GTO Waterproofing & Restoration LLC
GTO Waterproofing & Restoration LLC is a full-service waterproofing company based in Houston, TX. Family owned and over 25 years of experience in professional waterproofing and restoration services. Our mission is to make waterproofing installation and repair as easy as possible for our customers. Our goal is to provide superior workmanship and customer services. Our staff takes pride in knowing the challenges customers face, and having the skills needed to direct a quality job from both a labor and business standpoint.

Our Services
Sealants Installation
Above/Below Grade Waterproofing Applications
Decorative Deck Coatings
Traffic Coatings
Elastomeric Coating
Chemical Injection
Water Repellents
Crystalline Waterproofing
Rigid polyisocyanurate & polystyrene board insulation

Our Clients
Superior workmanship and customer service is our priority.